About xoolooloo

Find locals with similar interests.

Xoolooloo is a location-based search engine that connects people based on your interests using any of your interests, skills, hobbies, or even just location. You can connect with others who want to connect with you. The best part of xoolooloo is that you can combine any interests, for example, maintenance specialists who know swimming, a personal trainer who plays chess anymore.

Find others close by are far, with multiple similar interests.

It has never been easier to make new friends on your terms when you want and with whom you want; that is why xoolooloo is established to make connections and communications easier for everyone. Our goal is to ensure we connect people with similar interests or passions.

Find jobs nearby

Another good thing about xoolooloo is to help our community. If you are a freelancer and have any skills, update your profile with your skills and qualifications. The potential employee could find you here.

Connect with others on social media

We also have a huge community on social media, where you can make firends or connect with other professionals. We also have a youtube channel where we regularly upload videos.

If you have any questions or comments, please don’t hesitate to contact Us.